Our Quality Assurance Model is specially designed to ensure the quality of training provided by training institutes and bodies around the world. Completing this QAM is the basic requirement for the accreditation of trainers and institutes. Each stage of the QA Model consists of criteria, as follows:

Stage 1: Planning for Training Activities
First, we forecast future training needs and then we make plans to provide for these needs. During planning we consider these processes:
- The evaluation of previous Plan Reports.
- Training Needs Analysis.
- Identify Training Priorities.
- Determine Training Objectives.
- Take advantage of the available resources.
- Pick the correct timings.
Stage 2: Training Implementation
The implementation process is as follows:
- Preparation to conduct training.
- Management of the Training Processes.
- The efficiency of Human Resources.
Stage 3: Training Evaluation
To determine each courses strengths and weaknesses and, to help us continuously improve our company, we evaluate before, during & after the implementation of training programs. The evaluation forums are as follows:
- Evaluation of the preparation to conduct training.
- Evaluation of the management of the Training Processes.
- Evaluation of the efficiency of Human Resources.
Stage 4: Training mentoring & control
This begins with report analysis and aims to suggest corrective measures to better achieve the course objectives.
Stage 5: Continuous Improvement
The final stage in our QA Model is developing new training activities and training methods, based on the evaluation results. This keeps our services at the highest quality.
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