Certified Teacher for Special Needs, CTSN

A special educational needs (SEN) teacher is specifically employed to work with children and young people who need extra support, or require an advanced programme of learning in order to reach their full educational potential.
SEN teachers may work with individuals who have physical disabilities, sensory impairments (i.e. hearing or visual), speech and language difficulties, learning difficulties such as dyslexia, conditions such as autism, social, emotional and mental health needs, or have a combination of these difficulties.
A SEN teacher may also work with gifted and talented individuals.
A key aspect of working in this field is identifying individual needs and being responsible for creating a safe, stimulating and supportive learning environment.
What will you learn?
1. Defining Special Needs
· Deal with a child with a learning disorder
· Accommodate special cases (ethnic minority, physical disability & a girl from a poor family)
· Recognize why children develop difficulties
· Share experience of teaching children with special needs
2. Disability Awareness
· Understand the official definition of disabilities (social and medical models)
· Explore the feelings and attitudes through a case study
· Explore the abilities and difficulties faced through role plays
3. Education For Children With Special Needs
· Recognize the rights of children with special needs
· Know the international agreement and policy
· Teach for children with disabilities and break the barriers faced by those children
· Define inclusive education, its advantage and presence around the world
4. Responding To Diversity: Nine Golden Rules
· Perform an effective and clear communication
· Manage classroom and plan for lessons and assistive aids
· Help individuals, manage their behaviors and work together
5. Children With Disabilities in The Classroom
· Lead children with disabilities in regular classrooms
· Teach and develop children with various types of disabilities ( mobility, hearing, seeing, learning, behavior)
6. Teaching Children With Special Needs
· Appreciate the importance of talk and how to promote in the classroom
· Teach reading and know why children fail to read
. Teach mathematics and develop understanding of mathematical concepts
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